Arash Khoeini

The Bitter Truth About AI; Why Human Ingenuity Often Loses to Computation

This blog post is written based on Rich Sutton’s article, “The Bitter Lesson”. Ah, the fascinating world of artificial intelligence! It’s a place where robots don’t exactly plot world domination ...

FTTransformer; Transformer Architecture for Tabular Datasets

Introduction If you follow my blog, you’ve probably noticed my keen interest in deep learning for tabular data. It’s not because I find tasks like predicting housing prices fascinating—I don’t! My...

Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Tabular Datasets

Self-supervised Learning for Tabular Datasets Self-supervised learning aims to learn latent representations for unlabeled datasets. It has shown to be an effective representation learning method; ...

Self-supervision and Collapsing Solutions

Collapsing Solutions in Self-supervised Learning In the previous post I explained how self-supervised learning has been established as a decent method for unsupervised representation learning. I d...

Self-Supervised Learning

Self-Supervision Introduction Self-supervised learning (SSL) is rapidly closing the gap with supervised methods. Very recently, Facebook AI Research (FAIR), one major player in broadening the hori...

What is a Calibrated Neural Network and why do we care?

We love neural networks! We use them in our phones, our home speaker, our TVs, our cars and our almost everything! We like them when they are correct, and we ignore them when they are wrong. The me...